February 2023
Bug Fixes
Remember those pesky little glitches with case-sensitive exclusions and syncing issues? Well, they're a thing of the past! Say adios and let's move on to bigger and better things.
And, for those who've had trouble with responses not syncing properly, we've swept away the trouble by making email matching case-insensitive. Your responses will now effortlessly glide into your responder inbox, like a beautiful bug-free dance. 💃
In your Organization Settings, you will now be able to access a copy of your Outbase agreement with Outbase. In this section, you will also be able to cancel a pending agreement should you need to.
Getting started checklist
The layout of the getting started checklist has been improved, to contain links to the two resources (the user guide and videos) and the checklist has been reduced to five steps, instead of six.
Campaign Settings
Improvements have been made to the campaign settings view. In each section, you will now find tour and video prompts to help you complete your campaign set up.
Bug Fixes
Where a prospect had responded multiple times using the same email address, a duplicate lead was being created and this was affecting stats. To resolve this, email threads are now connected, so multiple emails from the same prospect will now show as one lead.
A bug was identified where users were not able to copy and paste new text over any existing text when creating a new email template. This has been fixed.
It was noted that not all bounced emails were reflected in the undelivered section of Outbase. This bug has now been addressed, and all undelivered emails will show in the campaign reports section.
New Features Alert 💪
It's time for another major release packed with the most requested features and bug fixes that will make your experience even better!
Export Prospects
Outbase now lets you export your engaged prospects with one simple click! The exported file will contain any additional columns that you have included in your Outbase audience and will import all selected prospects in one go.
Bug Fixes
Users who have experienced issues when opening the Send Report can now breathe easy, these are now a thing of the past. Simply go to your Send Report and continue your analysis.
Last updated