Campaign Reports

Where the magic happens! Everything you need to know about how your campaigns are performing with detailed breakdowns by industry, company sizes, month, etc.

Reporting is at the heart of Outbase, because tracking and measuring what works, and what doesn't, gives you the power to make more informed, better decisions to supercharge your outreach.

Filter your reports by selecting campaign(s), email account(s), and date ranges, to really drill down into what's been happening and then use this to improve and optimize your campaigns.

Depending on your filters, at the top of the Reports you will see your overall stats across:

1. Prospects Engaged Shows the number of individual prospects emailed from your campaign(s). E.g. If you have contacted 75 people and sent 200 emails then this would show 75 prospects engaged.

2. Emails Delivered Shows the number of emails sent from your campaign(s). E.g. If you have contacted 75 people and sent 200 emails then this would show 200 emails delivered.

3. Open Rate (Total) This shows the total number of emails opened, and what this is as a percentage. Formula: emails opened / emails delivered * 100 E.g. If you have sent 200 emails, and 90 of those emails were opened, then this would show a 45% Open Rate (90/200*100)

4. Click Rate (Total) This shows the total number of emails where link(s) have been clicked, and what this is as a percentage. Formula: number of email(s) clicked / emails delivered * 100 E.g. If you have sent 200 emails, and 12 links in those emails have been clicked, then this would show a 6% Click Rate (12/200*100)

Total clicks are per email, so if someone clicks 4 different links in an email, or the same link twice in an email, this would count as 1 total click. However, if someone receives 4 emails from you and they click on links in 2 of those emails, this would count as 2 clicks.

Clicks do not include unsubscribe link clicks but will include clicks on any other links within your email e.g. links in your signature, including social media buttons.

5. Responses / Response Rate This shows the number of prospects that have replied to your emails, as both leads and declines, and what this is a percentage. Formula: (leads + declines) / prospects engaged * 100 E.g. If you have contacted 75 people, and received 10 replies (3 leads and 7 declines), then this would show a 13.3% Response Rate (10/75*100)

6. Leads / Lead Rate This shows the number of prospects that have replied to your emails as a lead, and what this is a percentage. Formula: leads / prospects engaged * 100 E.g. If you have contacted 75 people, and received 3 leads, then this would show a 4% Lead Rate (3/75*100)

Outbase then gives you a breakdown of reporting across 5 key areas:

Each report breakdown includes the following data columns:

  • Campaign Activity

    • Prospects Engaged

    • Emails Delivered

    • Emails per prospect: The average number of emails delivered to each prospect. Formula: Emails sent / Prospects Engaged

  • Email Activity

    • Opened & Opened %

    • Clicked & Clicked %

  • Responses

    • Declines

    • Deferred Interest

    • Referral

    • Positive Response

  • Headline Rates

    • Unique Opens: This shows the number of prospects who open at least one email in your campaign(s), and what this is as a percentage. Formula: unique opens / prospects engaged * 100 E.g. If you have contacted 75 people, sent 200 emails, and 45 people have opened at least 1 of the emails in your sequence, then this would show a 60% Unique Open Rate (45/75*100)

    • Leads & Lead %

Below will give a quick overview of the available reports and what they do. Want to know a bit more about how to use this information to maximize your campaigns? Check out the Looking at Reports section in Monitoring Campaigns for more guidance on how to use the data in the reports in the best way.

Industry Report

See how your results compare across the different industries you are including in your audiences. Sort the columns to see which industries most of your leads are coming from, which have the highest open rates, or where your positive responses are to see if the results are what you expected!

Company Size Report

See how your campaign works across the different sizes. Whether you're after lots of small deals, just a few big ones, or somewhere in between, you'll have a clear view of this from here.

Sequence Report

Monthly Report

Track the effects of any monthly changes to your campaigns from the monthly reporting. This reporting is also a great way long-term to visualize seasonal changes (that summer slump, am I right?) and the effects of this. For example, our data suggest that prospecting through the summer slump leads to higher than normal lead rates across the following month or two. Just think of all those relaxed and fresh prospects, coming back to your campaign after a few glorious weeks off, ready to find out more about your offer!

Daily Report

Want to get really into it? Well, here you can! See what's happening day-by-day, from sends to prospects engaged. This allows you to monitor the health and effectiveness of your domain and spot any drastic changes that could be an indication of a larger problem.

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