Default Variables

A quick review of the variables available as defaults through Outbase.

Variables available for use in Outbase fall into two separate categories:

  • Default variables: These variables are fields available for prospects sourced using Audience builder. Although not all prospects may have the data for every field, most should. Some will also be available for file-based audiences, if this data was mapped when importing.

  • Custom variables: These variables are only available for prospects from file-based audiences where custom fields have been mapped, allowing you to use these fields in your templates.

In this section, we will review the Default variables, use the Contents list to the right to skip to any variables you would like to understand better.

The examples below will be based on the following scenario:

James Smith, Customer Success Manager at Example Design Company, who is based in Sweden is reaching out to the following prospect:

Jane Jones, who lives in Belgium, and is CEO at Example Marketing Ltd. (, a Marketing and Advertising business with 11-50 employees located in France.

The email is sent on Monday 17th January 2022 at 10am.

Prospect Variables

Variables that relate directly to the prospect's information.


Displays the first name of the prospect.

Hi {{FIRST_NAME}}, Hope you're having a great dayโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

Hi Jane, Hope you're having a great dayโ€ฆ


Displays the last name of the prospect.

We could put {{LAST_NAME}} right up there with Musk, Gates, Bezosโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

We could put Jones right up there with Musk, Gates, Bezosโ€ฆ


Displays the full name of the prospect.

With all that talent, Iโ€™m sure it wonโ€™t be long before we see {{FULL_NAME}} in bright lightsโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

With all that talent, Iโ€™m sure it wonโ€™t be long before we see Jane Jones in bright lightsโ€ฆ


Displays the job title of the prospect.

As {{JOB_TITLE}}, I thought you'd be interested in finding out more aboutโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

As CEO, I thought you'd be interested in finding out more aboutโ€ฆ


Displays the country of the prospect.

We're working with others in {{PROSPECT_COUNTRY}}, just like you, toโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

We're working with others in Belgium, just like you, toโ€ฆ

Company Variables

Variables that relate directly to the prospect's company.


Displays the prospect's company name.

Weโ€™ve helped others similar to {{COMPANY}} see results in record timeโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

Weโ€™ve helped others similar to Example Marketing Ltd. see results in record timeโ€ฆ


Displays an informalized version of the prospect's company name (where appropriate) removing abbreviations like ltd, llc, corp etc.

Weโ€™ve helped others similar to {{COMPANY_CLEAN}} see results in record timeโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

Weโ€™ve helped others similar to Example Marketing see results in record timeโ€ฆ

Notice the difference between the {{COMPANY}} variable and this one.

Only available for use with contacts sourced through the Outbase Audience builder. With file-based audiences, Outbase will not "clean" the company name field.


Displays the country the prospect's company is located in.

Weโ€™ve worked with other companies based in {{COMPANY_COUNTRY}}, so we know how things are done.

Displays in the email as:

Weโ€™ve worked with other companies based in France, so we know how things are done.

This might be different to the prospect's location as it is the location of the company.

Company locations are normally listed as where the company was founded and/or where their main offices are.

For example, a company like Google will have employees all over the world, so you may be contacting a prospect in Greece, but as Google is listed as located in US, this is what would be displayed using this variable.


Displays the industry the prospect's company is listed as.

Weโ€™ve worked with others in the {{COMPANY_INDUSTRY}} space toโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

Weโ€™ve worked with others in the Marketing and Advertising space toโ€ฆ


Displays an informalized version of the industry the prospect's company is listed as.

Want to know what these will display as? See Industry Informalizations for full details.

Weโ€™ve worked with others in the {{COMPANY_INDUSTRY_CLEAN}} space toโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

Weโ€™ve worked with others in the media space toโ€ฆ

Notice the difference between the {{COMPANY_INDUSTRY}} variable and this one.

Only available for use with contacts sourced through the Outbase Audience builder. With file-based audiences, Outbase will not "clean" the company industry field.


Displays the size the prospect's company is listed as.

Weโ€™ve worked with other companies with {{COMPANY_SIZE}} employees toโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

Weโ€™ve worked with other companies with 11-50 employees toโ€ฆ


Displays an informalized version of the size the prospect's company is listed as.

Want to know what these will display as? See Company Size Informalizations for full details.

Weโ€™ve worked with other {{COMPANY_SIZE_CLEAN}} companies toโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

Weโ€™ve worked with other smaller companies toโ€ฆ

Notice the difference between the {{COMPANY_SIZE}} variable and this one.

Only available for use with contacts sourced through the Outbase Audience builder. With file-based audiences, Outbase will not "clean" the company industry field.


Displays the website of the prospects company.

I was having a look at {{WEBSITE}} and I think weโ€™d be a perfect fit.

Displays in the email as:

I was having a look at and I think weโ€™d be a perfect fit.

Intro Time Variables

Variables that are most commonly used in template introductions.


Displays the weekday the email is sent on, in full.

Hope youโ€™re having a great {{WEEKDAY_FULL}}!

Displays in the email as:

Hope youโ€™re having a great Monday!


Displays the weekday the email is sent on, in short form (first three letters).

Hope youโ€™re having a great {{WEEKDAY_FULL}}!

Displays in the email as:

Hope youโ€™re having a great Mon!

Notice the difference between the {{WEEKDAY_FULL}} variable and this one.


Displays the morning or afternoon depending on the time the email is sent on, with a capital first letter.

{{MORNING_OR_AFTERNOON_GREETING}}, hope your day is going well so farโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

Morning, hope your day is going well so farโ€ฆ


Displays the morning or afternoon depending on the time the email is sent on, with a lowercase first letter.

Hope youโ€™re having a lovely {{MORNING_OR_AFTERNOON_BODY}} and canโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

Hope youโ€™re having a lovely morning and canโ€ฆ

Notice the difference between the {{MORNING_OR_AFTERNOON_GREETING}} variable and this one.


Displays the remaining days until the weekend.

With only {{REMAINING_DAYS_WEEKEND}} until the weekend, Iโ€™m sureโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

With only four more days until the weekend, Iโ€™m sureโ€ฆ

Closing Time Variables

Variables that are most commonly used in a template's closing paragraph.


Displays the month the email is sent on, in full.

Letโ€™s book a call, because before you know it {{MONTH_FULL}} will be overโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

Letโ€™s book a call, because before you know it January will be overโ€ฆ


Displays the month the email is sent on, in short form (first three letters).

With {{MONTH_SHORT}} already flying by, letโ€™s get a call bookedโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

With Jan already flying by, letโ€™s get a call bookedโ€ฆ

Notice the difference between the {{MONTH_FULL}} variable and this one.


Displays โ€œthisโ€ if sent on Monday-Tuesday or displays โ€œnextโ€ if sent on Wednesday-Friday.

Letโ€™s catch up {{THIS_OR_NEXT}} weekโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

Letโ€™s catch up this weekโ€ฆ


Displays โ€œlater thisโ€ if sent on Monday-Tuesday or displays โ€œearly nextโ€ if sent on Wednesday-Friday.

Does a call {{LATERTHIS_OR_EARLYNEXT}} week work for you?

Displays in the email as:

Does a call later this week work for you?

Notice the difference between the {{THIS_OR_NEXT}} variable and this one.





Displays the weekday 1/2/3/4 day(s) after the day the email was sent on, in full.

How does a call {{WEEKDAY_PLUS_2_FULL}} or {{WEEKDAY_PLUS_3_FULL}} work for you?

Displays in the email as:

How does a call Wednesday or Thursday work for you?

This will only use Monday-Friday, so if you send an email asking for a call {{WEEKDAY_PLUS_3_FULL}} on a Thursday, this will display Tuesday.





Displays the weekday 1/2/3/4 day(s) after the day the email was sent on, in short form (first three letters).

How does a call {{WEEKDAY_PLUS_2_INFORMAL}} or {{WEEKDAY_PLUS_3_INFORMAL}} work for you?

Displays in the email as:

How does a call Wed or Thu work for you?

This will only use Monday-Friday, so if you send an email asking for a call {{WEEKDAY_PLUS_3_FULL}} on a Thursday, this will display Tue.

Notice the difference between the {{WEEKDAY_PLUS_1/2/3/4_FULL}} variables and these ones.

Chaser Variables

Variables that are designed for use in follow-up emails.

Once the initial email has been sent, the first follow up to Jane could use the below variables and the examples shown reflect the follow-up being sent after the initial email that was delivered on Monday 17th January 2022 at 10am.


Displays the weekday the last email was sent on, in full.

I dropped you a message last {{LAST_EMAIL_SENT_WEEKDAY}} to see if you had time for a coffee and a chatโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

I dropped you a message last Monday to see if you had time for a coffee and a chatโ€ฆ


Displays the weekday the last email was sent on, in full, and whether it was sent in the morning or afternoon.

I dropped you a message last {{LAST_EMAIL_SENT_MORNING_OR_AFTERNOON_BODY}} to see if you had time for a coffee and a chatโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

I dropped you a message last Monday morning to see if you had time for a coffee and a chatโ€ฆ

Notice the difference between the {{LAST_EMAIL_SENT_WEEKDAY}} variable and this one.

Sender Variables

Variables that relate directly to the sender's information. This is useful if your campaigns are coming from multiple sales agents, you can make sure the email is signed off with the correct details.

Details shown for sender variables are taken from two separate places.

First name, last name, and full name are taken from the information given in email account settings:

Job title and location are taken from the General Info settings for the User the email account is assigned to:


Displays the first name of the sales agent the email is being sent on behalf of.

Want to talk? Reach out on the number below and ask for {{SENDER_FIRST_NAME}}...

Displays in the email as:

Want to talk? Reach out on the number below and ask for James...


Displays the last name of the sales agent the email is being sent on behalf of.

We can help put you up there with Musk, Gates, Bezos... But it starts with a call with {{SENDER_LAST_NAME}} (which doesn't have quite the same ring to it!).

Displays in the email as:

We can help put you up there with Musk, Gates, Bezos... But it starts with a call with Smith (which doesn't have quite the same ring to it!).


Displays the full name of the sales agent the email is being sent on behalf of.

Best regards, {{SENDER_FULL_NAME}}

Displays in the email as:

Best regards, James Smith


Displays the job title of the sales agent the email is being sent on behalf of.

As a {{SENDER_JOB_TITLE}}, I know the struggles that are faced byโ€ฆ

Displays in the email as:

As a Customer Success Manager, I know the struggles that are faced byโ€ฆ


Displays the location of the sales agent the email is being sent on behalf of.

And with offices in {{SENDER_LOCATION}}, weโ€™re never too far away!

Displays in the email as:

And with offices in Sweden, weโ€™re never too far away!

Industry Informalizations

Company Size Informalizations

Last updated