Activate your Campaign
Now you have everything set up, let's get this campaign going!
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Now you have everything set up, let's get this campaign going!
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That's it - if you've followed all of the steps in Getting Started then your campaign is all set up and ready to go - all that's left is to activate the campaign and start sending!
If you want the campaign to start sending today, then great - let’s get the ball rolling! Or if you prefer to start in a couple of days' time, no worries - you’ll just need to complete the final step below on the day you want to start.
You always need to manually activate a campaign on the day you want it to start sending. This is just in case you set up a campaign with a future start date and don’t complete the set-up by this date, don’t worry, the campaign will not automatically start.
Let's get this campaign started...
Already in the campaign view as you've just set everything up? See the steps below for Activating from Campaign view.
Coming back at a later time? Click Activating from Campaign Manager for steps to activate at a later date.
1. Click the green Play button in the top right of your screen:
2. You will then be prompted to check the start date and time zone used for the campaign - if you need to amend this use the Change date button, otherwise hit Keep date & activate.
1. From the navigation menu, select Campaigns then Campaign Manager. 2. Then on the right of the campaign you want to activate click the green Play button, in the Actions column.
3. You will then be prompted to check the start date and time zone used for the campaign - if you need to amend this use the Change date button, otherwise hit Keep date & activate.
And that’s it! Your campaign is now active and emails will start sending shortly.
What’s next? Well, any replies to your campaign will come directly into the inbox that you are sending emails from and directly into your sales pipeline.
But there’s more…!
Learn a bit more about how to manage your Outbase campaign using the links below:
Categorizing Responses - learn how to categorize your campaign responses, to start bringing your reports to life.
Looking at Reports - look at how to look at your reports to learn about your progress, and make any changes.
Or find out more about the power of Outbase in our User Guide:
Reports - where the magic happens! Always be in the know about how your campaigns are performing with detailed breakdowns by industry, company sizes, month, etc.
Sales - view your leads and conversations all in one place, as well as add useful documents to give your team easy access to the files they need when they need them!
Deal Navigator - define your sales pipeline from receiving a lead all the way through pitching and closing. Use our template or create your own, giving your team access to email templates, useful documents, and more!