Audience Details
View an individual audience, to review available contacts and see processed prospects from the audience.
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View an individual audience, to review available contacts and see processed prospects from the audience.
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From the Audiences page, click into any audience to open the Audience view.
Here you can view data specific to this particular audience, and what data you can see does vary based on whether the audience is created using Audience Builder or is a file-based audience.
The overview information at the top of the page shows:
1. Audience Details Audience name, user the audience was created by, date of creation, and source (circled above). Source is either Audience Builder (as above), or File if this is a file-based audience.
2. Audience Status & Actions This area shows the audience status (Assigned to a campaign, Unassigned, or Archived), if assigned and the name of the campaign the audience is assigned to (will display "/" if no campaign assigned).
To the right, there are action buttons to:
archive the campaign
assign/unassign to a campaign (if you are viewing an archived campaign there will be an action button to restore the audience).
3. Search & Filter Contacts Search the contacts in your audience using the search box, or filter by industry, company size, or location.
4. Audience Number Overview This shows audience numbers, broken down by: Available: The number of contacts left in the audience.
For audiences created using the Audience Builder, this is the number of contacts left in the audience whose contact details Outbase has yet to try and verify.
With audiences created using the Audience Builder, we expect to be unable to verify around 30% of contact details. This is normal, and due to the fact that Outbase is always sourcing, verifying, and checking data fresh, to reduce the number of undelivered responses and ensure data is up to date at the point of importing.
For file-based audiences added through CSV upload, this is simply the number of contacts imported and displays here if the audience is not assigned to a campaign.
Purchased/Imported: The number of prospects that have been imported.
For audiences created using the Audience Builder, this displays as Purchased and is the number of prospects where Outbase has sourced and verified the email address, credit(s) have been deducted from your account.
For file-based audiences added through CSV upload, this is simply the number of contacts imported and displays here if the audience is assigned to a campaign.
Not Imported: The number of contacts in the audience, not imported into the campaign.
For audiences created using the Audience Builder, this is the number of contacts whose contact details Outbase has tried and was unable to verify details for.
For file-based audiences added through CSV upload, this is contacts where the records failed to upload.
When uploading a file-based audience through a CSV file, Outbase will check for any records (or rows) that don’t have an email address, contain an incorrectly formatted email address, and any duplicate email addresses. These will be removed and you will have the option to download and review the failed records.
Total: The total number of Available, Purchased/Imported, and Not Imported contacts.
5. Choose Column Display Click here to add or remove columns shown in the view. For example, you might want to remove the domain column and show Industry and Company Size instead. Just make your changes using the checkboxes and click Apply.
The screenshot above is from an audience created in the Audience Builder. These audiences have two separate tab views:
Available contacts - marked (a) in the above screenshot Processed - marked (b) in the screenshot below
This shows you all the contacts available in your audience that haven't been imported and Outbase hasn't verified contact details for.
You can use this view to review the types of people who are included in this audience, such as job titles, industries, locations, etc.
From this view, you can click on a contact's name or a company name to bring up a pop-up box with a brief overview of the contact or company.
This shows you all the prospects from your audience where Outbase has sourced and either verified or been unable to verify, the contacts information.
Here you can see which contacts have been added to the campaign the audience is assigned to, as prospects, as they have status Added to Campaign, as well as which contacts Outbase was unable to source and verify, shown with status Not found.
Where a contact's details haven't been found, clicking on their name will bring up a pop-up box with a brief overview of the contact or company, as above. However, where a prospect's details have been found, clicking on their name or email will take you to their Prospect Activity Details page, or clicking on a company, to the Company Activity Details page.
In the audience view for file-based audiences, there is only one page (no separate tabs as with those created with the Audience Builder).
There are additional action buttons:
Import CSV Import additional contacts into the audience by uploading an additional CSV of contact data.
Export CSV Download all the contacts in the audience into a CSV file.
From this view, if a contact has the status Awaiting Assignment, then clicking on the contact's name, email address, or company will bring up a pop-up box with a brief overview of the contact or company. However, if a prospect has the status Added to Campaign, then clicking on their name or email will take you to their Prospect Activity Details page, and clicking on their company, to the Company Activity Details page.