An overview of all the prospects added from audiences to your campaigns.
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An overview of all the prospects added from audiences to your campaigns.
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The prospects page gives you an overview of all the prospects currently included in your campaigns.
You can search using the top search bar to find a specific prospect, or filter the data by campaigns, companies, or response types.
You can also see an at-a-glance overview of the activity on your account including:
Awaiting Engagement (Yellow) The number of prospects who have been added to a campaign, but haven't been sent the initial email yet.
Engaged (Peach) The number of prospects who have been added to a campaign and have received the initial email.
Opened (Pink) The number of prospects who have opened at least one email in the campaign sequence.
Clicked (Purple) The number of prospects who have clicked at least one link from the emails in the campaign sequence.
Responded (Blue) The number of prospects who have responded to your campaigns.
Leads (Green) The number of prospects who have responded as a lead to your campaigns.
You can click on any of the buttons above to filter the data to just see these prospects e.g. click the Leads button to view only the leads for your campaign(s).
The default columns shown on this page are:
1. Email: Prospect's email address.
2. Name: Prospect's name.
3. Job title: Prospect's job title.
4. Company Name: Prospect's company name.
5. Current Status: This displays dots with colors that correspond to the statuses given above:
(a) Yellow: Awaiting Engagement / (b) Peach: Engaged / (c) Pink: Opened / (d) Purple: Clicked / (e) Blue: Responded / (f) Green: Responded as a Lead
6. Response Type: If a prospect has responded this will show one of the following response types:
(e) Decline / Decline + Exclusion: if a prospect has replied declining your campaign's call to action, with or without asking to be excluded from any further emails (+ exclusion). (f) Positive response / Referral / Deferred interest: if a prospect has replied as a lead, either asking by accepting your call to action, passing you to someone else in the company who would be more suited to your offering, asking for more information, or asking you to contact them in a few months.
7. Current Stage: This shows how many emails in your campaigns sequence the prospect has received. E.g. if this displays 1, the prospect has only received the initial email, but if this is 4, they have received the initial email and 3 follow-up emails (4 emails total).
8. Campaign Name: This shows you which campaign the prospect was contacted by.
9. Although these are the default columns displayed, you can use the choose column display button here to add or remove columns, allowing you to view the information you need when you need it!
From this page, you can click on the prospect's emails address to be taken to the Prospect Activity Details, which gives you more detail about the individual prospect. Or click the company name to go to the Company Activity Details, which gives an overview of the company, including if there are any other prospects from here that you are contacting.